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AWS Services at a glance

Updated: at 01:00 AM

AWS Services

mindmap @param { l1NodeBgColor #2B7A5D l1NodeTextColor #fff l2NodeBgColor #26946C l2NodeTextColor #fff nodeBgColor #67B599 textColor #fff } + Compute ++ Lambda ++ ECS ++ EC2 ++ Batch + Network ++ VPC +++ NACL +++ Security Group +++ NAT Gatewat +++ NAT Instance + Content Delivery ++ CloudFront ++ API Gateway ++ Route 53 ++ ELB ++ Global Accelerator + Database ++ DynamoDB ++ RDS ++ Elasticache - Integration -- SQS -- SNS -- EventBridge -- Step Functions -- PintPoint
mindmap + Storage ++ S3 ++ EBS ++ EFS ++ Storage Gateway ++ Snow Family
mindmap - Security -- IAM -- STS -- Cognito -- Identity Federation -- Directory Service -- AWS SSO -- AWS SigV4 -- KMS -- CloudHSM -- WAF -- SecretsManager -- ACM -- Macie -- GuardDuty -- Amazon Inspector -- Resource Access Manager
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